Statistical Information
Population As per Census 2001 & 2011
2001 |
2011 |
Maharashtra |
9,68,78,627 |
11,23,72,972 |
Scheduled Caste |
98,81,656 |
1,32,75,898 |
Percentage |
10.20% |
11.81%1 |
Percentage of Literacy
Year |
State |
Scheduled Caste |
1971 |
33.80 |
14.70 |
1981 |
42.00 |
27.80 |
1991 |
64.08 |
56.40 |
2001 |
76.90 |
71.90 |
2011 |
82.91 |
87.66 |
Sex Ratio of Girls / Per 1000
Years |
India |
Maharashtra |
Scheduled Caste |
1961 |
941 |
936 |
962 |
1971 |
930 |
930 |
947 |
1981 |
934 |
937 |
948 |
1991 |
927 |
934 |
944 |
2001 |
933 |
922 |
952 |
2011 |
940 |
925 |
961 |
Status of houses belonging to scheduled caste person in Maharashtra (2001-2011)
Years |
Total houses |
Houses belongs to scheduled caste |
2001 |
19,063,149 |
2,779,615 |
2011 |
23,830,580 |
3,311,405 |
% Rise |
25 |
19 |
Comparison of Houses of scheduled person in Maharashtra (2001-2011)
Years |
Scheduled caste |
Good (%) |
In Revival Condition |
Dilapidated |
2001 |
44 |
49 |
7 |
2011 |
57 |
37 |
6 |
- Good - In good condition and repairing not necessary
- Revival Condition - Needed minor repairing
- Dilapidated - Dilapidated and major repairing needed